亚博体育 announced the launch of its new strategic plan, “A 愿景 With Purpose: The Strategic Plan for 亚博体育,,这将指导WPU未来五年的工作. The plan was unanimously approved by the University’s Board of Trustees during their Spring Board Meeting.

 “有目标的愿景”,” WPU will undertake 12 key objectives designed to support three key areas of mission fulfillment: (1) “WPU Today” – Serving students with quality, missional academic experience that leads to success; (2) “WPU Tomorrow” – Advancing enrollment growth, 校园改进, resource development and reputational strength; (3) “WPU Always” – Engaging internal staff and faculty, 以及我们的外部利益相关者, to bring forward their best skills and work collaboratively in support of our uncommon mission. Together, all three of these areas are in service to our most important aspiration of all: “To express the love of Jesus Christ through excellent care and service to our learning community and to our world.”

 这个计划是在一整个学年的过程中精心制定的, 最近在5月达到顶峰, and involved many meetings with faculty and staff at all levels of the university engaging in deep analysis and collaboration to chart WPU’s highest priorities over the next few years. Special thanks to Jennifer Boehmer, Chief of 工作人员 and SVP of Advancement & 战略沟通, 感谢你主持了这次会议, Chair Mike Moreland for presiding as Board of Trustees representative, 感谢布赖恩·约翰逊总统委托这项工作, and to the full Strategic Planning Committee whose names and positions are detailed in full within the document.

 以下是该计划介绍的节选. 你可以点击查看完整的计划 访问这里.

 感谢你们为这些目标所作的祷告, that God may continue to guide 亚博体育 to serve our community and world in ever-stronger ways!


The first glimmer of a vision for 亚博体育 began nearly a century ago – and there is no question that much has changed since then. 由安德森神的教会事工运动栽植, 印第安纳州, WPU最初是斯波坎的太平洋圣经学院, 1937年的华盛顿, providing two female students with degrees as the totality of its first graduating class. In 1940, the college moved to its present location in the urban heart of Portland, Oregon. 1957年更名为亚博体育学院, 2018年, became 亚博体育 to better reflect a depth of Christ-centered programs that launch students into career paths ranging from education to nursing to business to social work to ministry and more. Warner Pacific also became the first university in Oregon to be recognized by the U.S. 教育部作为少数民族服务机构.

 Today, from our vantage in 2024, Warner Pacific continues to serve an evolving paradigm. Our array of degrees has blossomed to more master’s level programing, 在线模式和成人学位完成选项, 毕业生在医院工作, 教室, 和办公室, 除了教堂. 我们迎来了第八任主席. 布莱恩·L. 约翰逊, who represents our first African American leader as well as an experienced university past-president and noted scholar of 17th-19th Century American Literature. We weathered the COVID-19 pandemic and emerged to become a critical convener of community groups, 来自支持教育团体, 以适应商业和非营利组织, to regularly hosting six congregations on the weekends who do not have church homes. 最令人吃惊的是, we find ourselves in the position of being named the most ethnically diverse institution in the State of Oregon, 超过65%的学生认为自己是有色人种. 此外, we are honored to be the only Christian college in the Pacific Northwest to hold designations as both a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI), 作为一个亚裔美国人, 印第安人, 太平洋岛民服务机构(AANAPISI). We are also recognized as serving more than three times the percentage of Black / African American students as are residents of the City of Portland.

 然而,无论主带领我们在服事的道路上走多远, an important clarity of purpose links our past to our present: Christ-centeredness is the enduring heart of what it means to truly deliver quality higher education that uplifts ALL people, 对职业的关注和对资历的关注一样多. 我们的外在表达方式可能已经进化了很多年, 但也反映了我们的西北根源, the Lord has consistently led Warner Pacific toward the role of “Pioneer” regardless of the terrain.

 这一战略计划经过了深思熟虑, understanding that currently WPU faces unprecedented challenges as much as abundant opportunities. 在许多方面,我们正处在一个十字路口. We craft this vision forward acknowledging enrollment sustainability as central to our success, and that serving a robust study body is ever-dependent on providing responsive, 为社区服务的优质教学. The road ahead is not easy…but we trust that the Lord will continue to guide us in how best to use this beautiful, 山的青翠山坡. Tabor是连接学生与基督之爱的来源, and to the ability to discover their calling no matter where they first began.

 We are calling this “A 愿景 With Purpose” for two reasons: first, “有目的”这句话反映了我们的新品牌, 以及我们“WP”标志背后的浓缩意图. 第二个, just as we work to provide students with avenues to build lives with purpose, so too do we endeavor to hold ourselves to a vision of accountability – to continue building a university with purpose.

 Clearly, resourcing the vision outlined in this plan will challenge us. 我们目前的经营方式需要改变, and our aspirations will require new levels of support from our civic and sacred communities. 因此,我们请求你们为这个计划祈祷, and that God may lead all of us to use our gifts in service to all who seek quality, 亚博体育以基督为中心的高等教育.